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Written by Nancy S
on June 17, 2016



A great adoption profile is your key to success! 


Your agency will ask you to create a profile book that can be shown to birth mothers and birth fathers. 


This book represents who you are!


Before you begin, take some time to consider your audience! 


Look at it as if you were the birth mother or birth father. What would you want to see? 


Here are some tips to make your adoption profile amazing!

BE YOURSELF:  This is huge, important and key!

  • Show who you are and to convey your feelings about adoption and family. 
  • Make sure your pictures and words reflect you
  • Let them see who you are and the kind of life their child would have if they choose you.
  • Share your true genuine thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams
  • Include your likes, hobbies, traditions and family customs
  • Honestly convey to the birth family who you are so if they choose to meet you they will feel they know you already.

PICK GREAT PICTURES:  Represent yourself well!

  • The pictures you pick will be the first thing they see that represents you.
  • Choose recent, clear, happy and bright pictures of you and your spouse for the cover.
  • Do not put one from ten years ago and certainly not your wedding photo on the cover.
  • If the birth parents choose to meet you they should recognize you from the book cover photo.
  • Pictures that you choose for your profile should be clear and represent your life together.
  • Show your family, your holiday traditions, your vacations, and activities
  • DO not include pictures of you at the bar, making odd gestures or faces, and wearing skimpy clothing. These types of pictures definitely don’t belong in an adoption profile.

USE MORE PICTURES  - LESS WORDS:  Make it memorable!

  • Tell your story through pictures and make the captions memorable.
  • Limit the amount of text. When we are looking through a book our attention gravitates towards the pictures first and then we look to the words to learn more. 
  • profile book that is heavy in writing may cause the reader to stop looking. 
  • Sometimes less is more, too many pictures can be confusing and distracting. 
  • Placing fewer, high quality pictures can have a greater impact. 
  • Use pictures that convey emotion, love and personality to connect to the reader.
  • Use fewer more meaningful words to make an impact.

Remember your profile is your opportunity to make a great first impression, make it memorable and make it special.  Your profile is important, make every effort to be sure it stands out.

Family Connections, Inc. is a New York State authorized adoption agency that has achieved Hague accreditation through the Council on Accreditation.  Family Connections, Inc. offers home study services and post placement, post adoption services for people living in New York State wishing to adopt domestically or internationally.  If you would like more information about adoption, Family Connections offers free, no obligation consultations so you can learn more about your adoption options.  If you would like more information contact our staff at 607-756-6574.  You can also find more information on adoption by downloading the Family Connections magazine by clicking the link below.


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