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Written by Renee Hettich
on September 22, 2015

international adoption   Orphaned children in South Korea are in need of forever adoptive families.  Young children - boys and girls - who are healthy or who have mild developmental challenges are waiting for parents.  


The decision to adopt is a special one - we know what an exciting time this is for you and your family.  Is your child waiting in South Korea?  According to one international adoption placement agency working in South Korea (Family & Children's Agency), the "Korea Program has been running very smoothly and we are seeing children coming home to their forever families".  



Very young children in South Korea are waiting for adoptive families.  Most of the children are under two years of age and have been relinquished by their unmarried birth mothers.  The children are generally healthy, but may have minor medical concerns.  Couples must be open to adopting a child of either gender (more boys are available as typical for international adoption). 



Can your family adopt from South Korea?  Recently, South Korea expanded its adoptive family eligibility criteria to increase the number of families who may adopt a child.  Prospective adoptive couples must meet the following criteria to adopt a child from South Korea:

  • For prospective adoptive parents who are both of Korean descent or adoptive parents who have previously adopted a child form South Korea, the country will accept applications from couples up to age 48 years
  • For prospective adoptive parents who have not adopted from S. Korea in the past nor are of Korean descent, the country will accept applications from couples up to age 44 years
  • Married at last 3 years
  • Only one divorce allowed
  • Four or fewer children in the family
  • Annual income greater than the US national average
  • Good physical health with a BMI < 29.9
  • No mental health concerns
  • No history of arrest



If your family meets South Korea's eligibility criteria, a child may be waiting for you!  Most orphaned children in S. Korea are healthy children with the potential for normal growth and development.  They are placed in foster care while waiting for their forever adoptive families.  Girls and boys typically arrive home with their adoptive families from age 14 to 24 months.  

Depending upon the International Adoption Placement Agency (aka Primary Provider) that you choose, once your application is into South Korea, the wait for the referral of a child is two to six months (much shorter than in the past) and the wait between referral and travel to bring your child home is approximately nine to eleven months.  South Korea requires both prospective adoptive parents to make two short trips (approximately one week) to adopt the child.  



Family Connections, Inc. is an authorized New York State agency that has achieved Hague Accreditation from the Council on Accreditation. The agency provides home study investigation services and post-adoption support services for families adopting from South Korea.  The agency works in partnership with international adoption placement agencies (aka Primary Providers) who make the adoptive placement.  



Family Connections, Inc. would be honored to support your plan to adopt a child from South Korea.  Please contact Anita or Renee at 607-756-6574 or info@adoptfamilyconnections.org to discuss your adoption plans.  We look forward to hearing from you.



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