Families seeking to adopt internationally will be pleased to know that Family Connections, Inc. is an authorized New York State Adoption Agency that has achieved Hague Accreditation from Council on Accreditation (COA). This achievement demonstrates Family Connection’s continuing commitment to children and adoptive families in New York.
Hague Accreditation by the COA is a national qualification that attests to Family’s Connections, Inc. compliance with the ethical and moral standards of practice in international adoption as set by the Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption treaty and the U.S. Intercountry Adoption Act of 2000. The Hague Convention established specific practice standards in regard to international adoption which all Hague Accredited agencies must meet. These standards establish safeguards for children and prospective adoptive families to ensure that intercountry adoptions take place in the best interests of the child. The standards prevent the abduction, exploitation, sale, or trafficking of children and provides protections for prospective adoptive parents regarding the adoption process and expense. The Council on Accreditation completed an extensive and exhaustive investigation of the practices of Family Connections, Inc. to ensure that the Agency’s services are complaint with Hague standards and that the Agency provides quality, ethical services that are in the best interest of children, protect children from exploitation, and ensure quality service to prospective adoptive families.
Family Connections, Inc.’s Hague Accreditation allows the Agency to continue to provide home study and post-adoption supervision services for New York families who are adopting internationally. Family Connections, has supported hundreds of adoptive international families since 1994 and is considered an expert in the international adoption process and the successful transition of children into adoptive families. The United States federal government (specifically the Department of State) requires that any adoption agency providing international adoption services to be Hague Accredited through the Council on Accreditation. Family Connections is pleased to be able to continue to help foreign orphans find forever families.
Family Connections provides home study investigations and post-adoption support for New York families adopting internationally. The Agency works cooperatively with International Adoption Placement Agencies throughout the country. Most International Adoption Placement Agencies are located outside of New York State. Thus most adoptive families must have the home study and post-adoption support services provided by a New York State authorized and Hague Accredited agency like Family Connections, Inc. International Adoption Placement Agencies must also be Hague Accredited by the Council on Accreditation. These Placement Agencies identify children for adoption in foreign countries, refer children for adoption to prospective adoptive parents, and facilitate the international adoption process. Family Connections has relationships with many International Adoption Placement Agencies and can to work with any International Adoption Placement Agency of the adoptive family’s choosing.
Family Connections would be honored to support your family’s plans to adopt a child through international adoption. To learn more about international adoption please visit the Family Connection’s website at www.adoptfamilyconnections.org or contact the Agency at 1-800-535-5556 or info@adoptfamilyconnections.org. Family Connections, Inc. looks forward to supporting your family’s adoption plans. For a free guide to home study investigations click below.
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