Original post by Nancy S.
If you are thinking about adopting a child, the first thing you should do is educate yourself about your options and the process. You can find lots of information on our webpage & blog, as well as online. You may want to start by reading about adoption online, or you may want to connect to adoptive parents or adoptees and learn about their adoption journey. However you choose to begin educating yourself, it is important to learn as much as possible about your options and what would work best for your family before making a plan and choosing your path.
There are many resources that educate you about your domestic adoption options and your international adoption options. By educating yourself, you can ensure that you are making the best decision for you, your family, and your future child and ensure that the adoption is a success. The more research you do at the beginning of the adoption process the more prepared you will be when you bring your child home. There are various support groups surrounding adoption where can you can gain insight and help from those who have already been through the process. Spending time researching different agencies will also help you find the agency that is right for you.
Ask yourself these questions as you educate yourself about adoption:
- Why do I want to adopt?
- What kind of adoption do I want? Domestic (open, semi-open, or confidential) or International
- What age child do I want to adopt?
- What race, ethnicity or gender of child do I want to adopt?
- Do I want to adopt a child with special needs?
- What countries are open for International adoption?
- What are the fees for adoption?
- How do I afford adoption?
- How do I choose and adoption agency?
- How do I talk to my family about adopting a child?
- How do I talk with my child about adoption?
- Am I prepared to care for a child with special needs?
- How long can we expect to wait before a child is placed with us?
- How old are the children that are available for international adoption?
There are many resources for information on adoption, books, online websites, local support groups and adoption professionals. Family Connections, Inc. provides information regarding professional resources available to support your adoption including: medical experts, behavioral specialists, adoption support groups, adoptive family publications, and adoption professional organizations. Please understand that this Agency is providing you this listing of adoption resources to assist you in your search for needed services. Family Connections, Inc. does not endorse nor recommend any particular service provider or group. Click here to view the list of resources.
If you would like to talk with Anita or Renee to learn more about adoption, you can reach the agency at 607-756-6574 or 1-800-535-5556 or email us at info@adoptfamilyconnections.org. Family Connections, Inc. also offers a free, personal, no-obligation consultation to help you understand the adoption options available to you. Family Connections, Inc. is a New York State authorized adoption agency who has achieved Hague Accreditation from the Council on Accreditation. Family Connections provides adoption services throughout New York State including in Syracuse, Rochester, Cortland, Binghamton, Elmira, Corning, Watertown, Albany, New York City, and all towns in between. We look forward to supporting your adoption plans.
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