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Written by Nancy S
on May 20, 2016


When you are facing an unplanned pregnancy and you are unsure what to do we can help you explore your options.  You may be feeling overwhelmed and have a lot of questions.  Here are some common questions birth mothers ask:


How can Family Connections help me if I need it?

  • First and most importantly you will never be pressured to make a decision to place your child for adoption. We guarantee birth parents that they have the right to make their own decisions regarding the placement of their child without influence.
  • Family Connections can help you explore your options, both adoption and parenting your unborn child. If you choose to place your child for adoption we can help you form an adoption plan.
  • We can help you get counseling if you want it and will help connect you to the services you need.
  • Family Connections can help you with certain maternity related expenses such as rent, medical care, utilities, food expenses and maternity clothes as allowed by the laws of New York State.
  • We can help you meet potential adoptive families. If you choose to place your child for adoption, Family Connections can help you meet and match with an adoptive family.


What is an Adoption Plan?

  • If you are thinking of placing your baby for adoption you will begin to form your adoption plan. Remember this is simply a plan at this point it is not an obligation to place your child for adoption.  The agency will support you as you continue your plans for your baby. The adoption plan will lay out what you have planned for your unborn child at the time of placement and your plans for after the baby is placed for adoption. If you wish to have post adoption contact with the baby and the adoptive family, the agency will help you and the adoptive family develop a post-adoption contact plan (for example sharing of pictures/letters regarding the child’s growth and/or visitation between you and the adoptive family) and you will also draft a Post Adoption Contact Agreement with an attorney. Up until the child’s birth, your adoption plan is just that - a plan. Once the baby is born, you will decide whether or not to surrender the custody of the child to the adoption agency for placement with the adoptive family you choose.


Do I have to place my baby for adoption?

  • You will never be forced to place your baby for adoption. When your child is born you will choose whether to place the child for adoption or parent your child.  At no time are you obligated to place your child for adoption and no one should make you feel pressured to make a decision to place a child for adoption. You have the right to make your own decisions.


Do I get to choose if the adoption is open or closed?

  • All choices are yours. If you want an open adoption and want to meet the adoptive family you can.  If you are more comfortable with a closed adoption you may do that also, with guidance from you Family Connections can choose an adoptive family for you.  You will choose the amount of information you want to share and how open your adoption is.


Will I be able to choose the adoptive parents for my baby?

  • At Family Connections we believe in your right to self-determination. You will be able to look at profiles of families that meet your preferences (religion, siblings, stay-at-home parent, financial stability, city or country life style) and if you want to meet any of the families you can. Family Connections will be there to help you with every step. Choosing the family that is right for your child is up to you, and this can provide you with a sense of peace.  All of our families meet very strict New York State requirements and are fully investigated.  You can take comfort in knowing that prospective adoptive families are thoroughly screened.


What kind of information can I learn about the adoptive parents?

  • Through picture profiles, videos and face to face meetings you can learn a lot about an adoptive family. You can learn if they have children, what type of job they have, what they enjoy doing in their spare time, what their extended family is like and what their home is like. If after looking at different family profiles you want to meet a prospective adoptive family, Family Connections will help you through every step of that process.


What makes them qualified to be adoptive parents?

  • All families that apply to adopt through Family Connections are thoroughly investigated and carefully screened. We visit all families in their homes, run background checks and ensure that they are financially secure and healthy. All families and their homes must meet strict New York State standards.


Do I get to meet with an attorney?

  • You will get to meet with an attorney at no charge to you. We can recommend several experienced adoption attorneys that have worked with many birth mothers and adoptive families. An attorney will help you explore your legal rights and options. They will help you with your adoption plan and post adoption contact agreement. An attorney is provided for you to ensure that all your legal rights are protected.


After I have the baby what happens?

  • After the birth of your baby you will typically stay in the hospital at least 24 hours. During this time you will be able to spend as much time as you want with your baby.  You will also have the opportunity to meet with one of our caring and experienced social workers who will help you explore your feelings about placing your child for adoption. You will then make the decision to either parent your newborn child or place your child for adoption. You can also choose to spend time with the adoptive family and the baby together.  If you choose to place your child for adoption you will meet with your attorney to sign legal papers surrendering the child and placing the child with an adoptive family. This is a lifelong decision and adoption does not end when you place your baby. Family Connections will be there to help every step of the way. If you choose to parent your baby Family Connections can help connect you to services in your community.


Can Family Connections help me even after my baby is placed for adoption?

  • After you have placed your baby for adoption Family Connections can help you by providing emotional support and counseling. Family Connections can also help with post adoption contact by arranging visits with the adoptive family and child and also the exchange of pictures.


All information is kept strictly confidential and your privacy is of the upmost importance. We are committed to supporting women through this process and providing them with the best care and support available.  It is important to us that you are comfortable with the choices you make when placing your child for adoption. 


If you would like more information about adoption, placing your child for adoption and the services available to you at no cost, you can reach Anita or Renee at 607-756-6574 or 1-800-535-5556.  You can also download valuable information by clicking on the link below.


Download A Free Adoption Guide  for Birth Mothers

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