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Written by Family Connections
on September 22, 2023

birth mother As a birth mother (biologcial mother) you have many choices as you consider placing your baby for adoption.  One of your first decisions is choosing an adoption agency to support you and help you make the right decisions for yourself and your baby. Family Connections has been supporting birth parents for over twenty five years and will always respect your wishes.  Family Connections, Inc. has been authorized since 1994 by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.


Family Connections, Inc. will support you throughout your adoption planning, placement of the child, and post-adoption needs.  All services are free and confidential!  Services will include (but are not limited to):

  • Exploration of parenting and adoption choices with you and the birth father (if involved)
  • Providing information about adoption options (confidential/closed, semi-open, or open adoption) 
  • Giving you adoptive family choices - Family Connections will give you a listing of qualified adoptive families who meet your criteria for an adoptive family.  All approved adoptive families with Family Connections would be honored to be considered as potential parents for your child.  The agency will respect your choice of adoptive family.
  • Facilitation of meetings with you and prospective adoptive parents you are interested in.  We typically go out to eat so you can get to know the adoptive families before you make your family choice (only if you wanted to meet adoptive parents)
  • Supporting the development of a relationship between the you and the adoptive family you chose (if wanted) 
  • Coordination of a plan for the hospital
  • Accepting of the surrender of the custody of the child and the placement of the child with your chosen adoptive parents
  • Provide pre and post adoption counseling (if requested by you)
  • Referral to needed community based services (e.g. housing, health insurance, pre-natal care, counseling services)
  • Provision of pregnancy and adoption related expenses (e.g. housing, maternity clothing, food, transportation).
  • A court enforceable Post Adoption Contact Agreement that details the agreed upon post-adoption relationship between you and the adoptive family (e.g. sending of pictures/letters regarding the child to the birth family, annual face-to-face visit)
  • Post-adoption support including counseling services and the facilitation and monitoring of any post adoption contact agreement
  • Life-long support for you, adopted child, and adoptive family


The staff at Family Connections, Inc. will always support your choices and will never influence or direct your decisions. The choices are yours to make.


For a confidential and free discussion please call 607-756-6574 or info@adoptfamilyconnections.org.  


To Learn More About Your Adoption Options, Please Click Below to Download an Adoption Guide


Click for a free adoption  guide for birth families

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