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Written by Jessie McNaughton
on June 21, 2016

Family Connections, Inc. is a Primary Provider for Ukraine adoptions!  We are excited about this new opportunity to provide primary provider services for families who wish adopt from Ukraine.  This is a fantastic opportunity for American families looking to adopt healthy older children!  Whether you are a New York resident or live in any state in the US, Family Connections can be your primary provider for a Ukraine Adoption.  If you are a New York State resident, we can also do your home study.  




Who can adopt & be adopted?

Married couples over the age of 21 can adopt from Ukraine. Healthy children ages 6-16 are available, as well as special needs children ages 5 and below.  Sibling groups ages 2-16 can be adopted, but one child must be over 6.  


How much does it cost?

Ukraine adoption costs vary based on many factors.  You can see our fee schedule by clicking here.  Please read the fee schedule carefully. We are required by regulation to list every possible expense a family may have to pay during the course of their adoption.  You will not end up paying every fee that we have listed, only the fees for the services you use.  Family Connections has a finance coach available to all of our clients who can help you plan your finances, apply for loans & grants, help plan a fundraiser, and more!


So what is the process like for a Ukraine adoption?  Here’s the short version:


  • Apply to your primary provider & home study agency (we can do both if you live in NY!)
  • Complete home study.
  • Submit I-600A & receive approval.
  • Get your dossier together.
  • Submit dossier & make an appointment with the Department of Families & Children in Ukraine.
  • Travel to Ukraine to search their books of available children and locate a child.
  • Go the orphanage the child is located at to meet them and receive more detailed information about their medical, developmental & social history.
  • Decline or accept the referral.
  • Adopt the child in Ukraine!
  • Go through the Visa process, get medical appointments, apply for a passport for the child, get new birth certificate, etc.
  • Submit DS260 & I600 applications, then get Visa appointment at the embassy.
  • Receive Visa & travel back to the US with your new family!
  • Register your child with the Ukrainian Consulate & receive certificate of citizenship.
  • Complete post-placement visits with your agency & re-adopt the child in your home state.
  • Have a party to celebrate the end of adoption paperwork!!!


To see a full outline of the process, click here.


To learn more about our Ukraine program, click here.


If you are interested in learning more about adopting a child from Ukraine you can contact us at Family Connections, Inc. at 607-756-6574 or info@adoptfamilyconnections.org for a personal consultation via telephone, Facetime, or in person at our office.


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