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Written by Family Connections
on August 03, 2024

It is that time of year again! Some children will be heading back to school soon and some have a few more weeks of summer vacation. Here are some tips and strategies to help your child transition smoothly back to school with less anxiety and more confidence.


Understanding Back to School Anxiety in Children

Back to school anxiety is a common for many children, manifesting through nervousness, irritability, or reluctance to attend school. It's important for parents to recognize this anxiety as a normal part of the transition process. Understanding its causes, which can range from fear of the unknown to worries about academic performance or peer relationships, is the first step in addressing the issue.

Acknowledging your child's feelings and providing reassurance can go a long way in them handle their emotions. Open communication is key, allowing your child to express their concerns while you offer empathy and support. Understanding that this anxiety can also stem from changes in routine or separation from family, parents can better prepare to alleviate these stressors.


Preparation Techniques That Reduce Anxiety

Preparation can significantly reduce back to school anxiety. Start by re-establishing school year routines a few weeks in advance, including consistent wake-up and bedtime schedules. Familiarize your child with the upcoming changes by discussing what their new classroom and activities will be like, and visit the school if possible, to reduce the fear of the unknown.

Involving children in the preparation process can also empower them. Let them choose their school supplies and participate in organizing their backpacks and outfit selections. Additionally, discussing different school scenarios can provide them with strategies to handle potential stressors, making them feel more prepared and less anxious.


Creating a Supportive Morning Routine

A supportive morning routine can set a positive tone for the day and reduce school-related anxiety. Establish a calm and structured morning ritual that allows ample time for breakfast, dressing, and travel to school. Avoiding a rushed atmosphere helps prevent feelings of stress and panic. Preparing what you can the night before will help make the morning far less stressful and provide your child a sense of security knowing they are ready for the next day.

Incorporate activities that your child finds comforting or enjoyable in the morning routine, such as reading a short story together or listening to their favorite music. This can help them associate positive feelings with getting ready for school. Consistency in this routine is critical, as it provides a sense of security and predictability for the child.


Engaging With Teachers and School Staff

Building a relationship with your child's teachers and school staff can be instrumental in easing back to school anxiety. Meet with them to discuss your child's needs and concerns. This collaborative approach ensures that everyone is aware of and can accommodate your child's emotional well-being.

Encourage your child's teachers to share positive experiences with you, which you can then relay to your child to boost their confidence. Regular communication with school personnel can also provide you with insights into your child's school day, allowing you to address any issues promptly and reinforce the support system for your child.


Monitoring Progress and Adjusting Strategies

As the school year progresses, keep an eye on your child's adjustment. Celebrate successes and small victories to encourage them and reinforce positive behaviors. If anxiety persists or worsens, consider seeking additional support.

Be flexible and willing to adjust your strategies if something isn't working. Every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Stay patient and persistent and remember that building resilience and coping skills is a process that takes time and support from both parents and educators.

Family Connections is a New York State authorized child placing agency that is also Hague accredited. We have been helping families with their adoption needs since 1994. We help families looking to adopt and birth parents looking to place their child for adoption. Family Connections has international adoption programs in Belize, Bulgaria, Honduras, Hungary, Jamaica, Pakistan and Ukraine. If you would like to learn more about the adoption process, click on the link below to request an adoption consultation. Consultations are one on one, free and confidential.

Consultation With An Adoption Professional

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