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Adopting a Relative Child Internationally
Written by Family Connections
on October 09, 2023

Prospective adoptive families must employ the services of a Primary Provider (aka International Adoption Placement Agency)  that is Hague Accredited to complete an inter-country (international) adoption.  Primary Provider Agencies identify orphaned children for adoption in foreign countries, refer children for adoption to prospective adoptive parents, and facilitate the international adoption process.  The family’s International Primary Provider Agency will work in partnership with the family’s home study provider and post-adoption supervisor agency that is authorized/licensed in the state of the family’s residence.  The Primary Provider Agency can operate in any State within the United States.


Finding an international adoption agency to act as your Primary Provider can be daunting and frustrating as each agency operates differently.  It is important that a prospective adoptive family work with an agency where they feel comfortable and confident.

As you research International Adoption Primary Provider Agencies you should consider the following. An adoption agency should:

  • Ensure that you have the right to make your own decisions regarding your plan of adoption without influence
  • Educate you regarding all your adoption options
  • Have the authority and experience to place children from the country from which the prospective adoptive parents wish to adopt
  • Offer diverse adoption options - working in more than one country of interest for your family
  • Have the expertise in the type of adoption you wish to pursue (e.g. infant/toddler adoption, older child adoption, the adoption of children with special needs)
  • Provide training specific to your needs and your adoption plan (e.g. attachment, adopting an older child, trans-racial adoption, parenting a child with special needs, family transitions, etc)
  • Assist with the process of Citizenship and Immigration
  • Support the preparation and submission of the dossier
  • Facilitate the adoption of the child in the foreign country
  • Guide you through any post-placement/adoption requirements (e.g. register foreign adoption, obtaining birth data record)
  • Support your family's emotional needs

Family Connections, Inc. would be honored to support your adoption.  Family Connections, Inc. is an authorized New York State adoption agency that is Hague Accredited. Family Connections, Inc. is a primary provider for adoption from Belize, Bulgaria, Honduras, Hungary, Jamaica, Pakistan and Ukraine. Our agency also provides home study and post-adoption supervisory services for families adopting internationally. 

Please contact us at 607-756-6574 or at info@adoptfamilyconnections.org

If you would like to learn more about international adoption you can request a one on one consultation with an adoption professional below.

Consultation With An Adoption Professional

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