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Written by Nancy S
on April 15, 2016


Staying in contact with a child’s birth family can happen in many different ways. So, how are adoptive families and birth families staying connected in this electronic age? Here are some ways to share this beautiful child with their birth parents:

  • Texting: Some families share phone numbers and will text photos and notes about the child. Some families have a specific number only used for birth family contact.
  • Email: Families can share photos and letters through an email. This allows the birth family to email the adoptive family also, giving them a chance to express their joy in seeing the growth and development of the child. You can create an entirely separate email that can be used specifically for contact with the adoptive family or birth family.
  • Blog: There are families that create an online blog post that is only accessible with a password.  This allows the adoptive family to share the life of the child with the birth family.
  • Picture Books: With the advancements of technology we can create beautiful, one of a kind photo books online that can be printed and sent to the birth family. These books are a wonderful way to sum up a year of photos and events in a child’s life.
  • Pictures and Letters: Some families choose a more traditional method of sharing the life of the child by sending the birth family pictures of the child and a letter about their progress and changes.
  • Newsletter: Getting creative and putting all the pictures and information about a child into a newsletter format can make sharing the joy of a child fun.
  • Visits:  Some families stay in close contact and will have yearly visits.  These visits can take place at a zoo, a park, or a playground.  The best interest of the child should always be considered when you participate in visits with the birth family, take cues from your child and where they are at in their development.  All parties need to consider the child first.
  • Photo Sharing Online: There are many sites that allow you to upload photos to an album and then share them through use of a password, allowing only those with access to view the photos.

Sometimes this sharing of pictures and letters, books or newsletters happens through an agency where the adoptive family sends the information to the birth family by sending it to the agency to deliver.  There are many families that send the information directly to the birth family.  The method of staying connected has to fit what works for the birth family and the adoptive family.


Families formed through adoption share a special bond with their child’s birth family.  At the time of placement of child, birth families and adoptive families decide what type of contact there will be going forward.  When this happens through an agency adoption a Post Adoption Contact Agreement is signed.  This document explains the type and frequency of contact between the adoptive family and the birth family.  The Post Adoption Contact Agreement is a legally binding contract that protects the birth family’s rights for contact after placement.


Unfortunately not all birth families and adoptive families do stay connected.  There are various reasons and each family’s situation is different.  Those families that do stay connected with their child’s birth family find it to be a rewarding experience and a beneficial part of their child’s adoption.


Family Connections, Inc. is a New York State authorized child placing agency.  We would be glad to help you explore your adoption options. You can contact Anita or Renee at 607-756-6574, 1-800-535-5556 or by clicking the link below.


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