2016 is over, and 2017 has just begun. We hope you had a wonderful holiday and a very happy New Year celebration! We are so thankful for everything that has happened in the past year and all of the children who have found their forever families, and we look forward to another year of helping to create families and find loving homes for children.
2017 is bringing some changes to the adoption scene, but we have hope that both international adoption programs and domestic adoption programs will continue to sucessfully find forever families for children. Some of the changes have already taken place, such as the fee increases for I-600 and I-800 applications, and some have yet to come into effect, like the proposed new rules for international adoptions.
We look forward to continuing to support birth families, adoptees and adoptive families in 2017 and beyond. Despite the changes happening, we are so thankful for the children who have found homes and the families that have been created through all types of adoption, and look forward to continuing the mission we are dedicated to: supporting birth parents, adoptive parents, and children touched by adoption throughout the life-long journey of adoption.
Family Connections, Inc. is an authorized child placing agency that has achieved Hague Accreditation through the Council on Accreditation. Family Connections works with New York families to provide home study services, for domestic (agency, public and private) adoption, international adoption, and post adoption/placement services. If you want to learn more about your adoption options Family Connections offers a free no-obligation consultation. To ask us your questions you can contact Renee or Anita at 607-756-6574 or by clicking on the button below.
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