You are on the path to building your family through international adoption and you are ready to start your dossier. This is an important step, you dossier will represent you to your chosen country as potential adoptive parents. There are typically very strict requirements for an adoption dossier depending on the country you have chosen to adopt from. The requirements may seem daunting but following a few simple steps can help you create a successful dossier for adopting your child.
- Your placement agency should provide you with detailed instructions on how each required document needs to be prepared. Doing them correctly the first time will help you save time and money.
- Work methodically through a check list of the required documents to stay on task and prevent mistakes.
- Keep your documents organized, clearly mark each step.
- Communicate clearly to those you are asking to authenticate your documents what is required to ensure they are correct the first time.
- Proof all documents thoroughly before they are notarized, county certified and state authenticated (apostille or great seal). Catching mistakes early can save you time and money.
- When documents come back from being authenticated you should check them over to be sure they are done correctly. Once they have been completed and checked make a copy of the entire document for your records.
- Your dossier will then go to your placement agency who will then check and approve your dossier for submission. Be sure to mail your dossier using a shipping service that can track your package (such as Express mail or Fedex).
- Once your dossier is submitted to the country you are planning on adopting from the next step is to wait. This can be difficult but focus on the outcome, it will make the wait easier. You are now one step closer to building your family through adoption.
Family Connections, Inc. is a New York State authorized child placing agency who has achieved Hague Accreditation through the Council on Accreditation. We work with families looking to adopt domestically and internationally. If you are interested in exploring your adoption options please contact Anita or Renee at 607-756-6574 or 1-800-535-5556. Check out our Family Connections magazine where you will find information on adoption.
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