Family Connections, Inc. has made the decision to become a primary provider for Ukraine adoptions. We are pleased to announce that we are opening a primary provider program that helps families navigate Ukraine adoption!
Ukraine adoption is a wonderful opportunity for a family to adopt a single child or a sibling group. In some cases, you may also have the opportunity to adopt two unrelated children. Children who are available for adoption are located in orphanages across the country of Ukraine. These orphanages house children from infants to sixteen years old. Children come into the orphanage due to abandonment, death of parent(s) or because of the same reasons that children enter the foster care system in the US. Not all of the children in Ukraine orphanages are available for adoption, but many are.
Ukraine has a Central Authority that identifies the children that are available for an international adoption. The children that are available to US citizens are special needs children five (5) years old and under and healthy children six (6) to sixteen (16) years old. If you adopt a child age six to sixteen and this child has a healthy sibling five years old or younger, the Ukraine will allow you to adopt the younger child as well. Their priority is keeping siblings together.
The Central Authority reviews your application documents and approves your application to adopt a child. One part of your application is your dossier, which is about twenty documents that verify who you are as well as contain information that allows the Central Authority to make a determination that you meet the criteria of the laws and regulations of the Ukraine adoption process. When the Central Authority accepts your application they will invite you to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, to view the available children that match the type of child you are approved to adopt in your US home study.
To adopt from Ukraine you must:
- be a married heterosexual couple;
- be healthy;
- be fifteen years older than the child(ren) you are requesting;
- have good moral character;
- have no history of drug or alcohol abuse;
- have no history of mental illness;
- meet the US immigration financial regulatory requirements; and
- meet the regulatory requirements of your state of residence.
In essence, you have to meet the standards and regulations of the Ukraine government, the US federal government and your state government. While this sounds difficult, it is really just being a person who has the emotional, physical and financial capacity to adopt a child and become that child’s forever parent.
This is where adoption agencies come in to help you. An agency will help you obtain and document the fact that you meet or exceed all of the requirements for adopting a child from Ukraine. A quick and honest conversation with an agency will help you to determine if you qualify to adopt from Ukraine. You will then need to educate yourself regarding the adoption process of a Ukraine adoption and regarding the children available for adoption. Once you determine that adopting from Ukraine is a good fit for your family and that you qualify to adopt from Ukraine, the process to complete your initial adoption process can be four to six months.
When you submit your dossier and other application documents, the process from application to coming home with a full and final adoption can take from four to seven months. Some of these times can be influenced by how long you take to complete your paperwork. Other timing depends on such entities as the USCIS processing your I600A which can take two to three months or getting a timely court date in Ukraine. Ukraine has a ten day waiting period after the adoption is finalized. The US Embassy takes time to process your child’s immigration visa. All of this causes the time needed to be estimates. This is where you will see times described as “typical,” “average,” or “give or take a week/day/etc.” The process requires patience and flexibility on the part of the prospective adoptive parents.
For more information on Ukraine adoption, check out our main Ukraine page here. If you have any questions or would like to know more, feel free to give us a call at (607) 756-6574 or (800) 535-5556, email us at, or click the link below to schedule a consultation with Anita or Renee!
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