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Written by Nancy S
on November 28, 2014

adoption   If you are facing infertility or are unable to have a biological child consider domestic adoption as an option to help you realize your dream of a family.  There are many options in adoption and the choices are yours to make.  Choose the type of adoption that is right for you.  Most prospective adoptive parents choose adoption after many years of trying to have a baby and yearning to be parents. 


Adoptive parents have the right to self-determination and have many adoption choices.  Prospective adoptive parents can choose to become parents in an open, semi-open, or confidential/closed adoption relationship with the birth family.  They can decide to parent a child of the same race or of a different race than themselves.  They may wish to parent a typical child or a child with special medical or developmental needs.  The adoptive parents may choose to parent only one child or have multiple children.  The choices are yours to make.


If you are ready to open your heart and home to a child and you want to explore your adoption choices consider the following information about the different types of domestic adoption. Family Connections, Inc. also offers free no-obligation consultation to help you explore your adoption options.


Types of Domestic Adoption:


Confidential /Closed Adoption: In this type of adoption no identifying information is shared between the birth family and the adoptive family and the identity of the birth parent and adoptive parents are held in the strictest of confidence. If a birth parent chooses a confidential adoption (aka closed adoption) the adoptive family will not know the identity of the birth parent(s) and the birth parent(s) will not be told the adoptive family’s identifying information.  The birth parent may specify the characteristics of the adoptive family they wish for their child.  The birth parent may choose the adoptive family from profiles and/or meet the adoptive family; it is up to them.  If the birth parent decides not to choose the adoptive family, the adoption agency will chose an adoptive family who meets the birth parent’s criteria.  A confidential adoption guards the identity of the birth mother, birth father, child, and adoptive parents.


Semi-Open Adoption:  In most semi-open adoption relationships, the birth family and the adoptive family agree on what identifying information is shared.  For example, the birth family and the adoptive family may only exchange first names or the name of the town in which they live.  The adoption agency would know all of the identifying information for the birth parent and adoptive family, but would hold that information in confidence.  The birth parent may choose to pick a family for their child from family profiles or meetings with prospective adoptive parents.  The birth parent(s) and adoptive family may or may not develop a relationship with each other prior to and/or after the birth of the child (based upon the wishes of the birth parent).   The birth parent may or may not request post adoption contact (e.g. pictures/letters regarding the child’s growth).  Any post adoption contact requested by the birth parent would be maintained through a third party such as an adoption agency.  The wishes of the birth parent determine the degree of openness.


Open Adoption:  In an open adoption the birth family and adoptive family have an on-going relationship.  The birth parent chooses the adoptive family, the two families share identifying information, and they develop a relationship with one another.  The extent of the relationship is defined by the birth parent.  A birth parent can ask to have on-going contact with the adoptive family prior to the child’s birth and after the adoption of the child. The choices for openness belong to the birth parent and are agreed upon by the birth parent and the adoptive family.


You can read more about adoption in our magazine Family Connections, you can download it by clicking on the link below.


                      Want to Adopt? Click Here for a Free Adoption Magazine


An adoption agency, like Family Connections, Inc., can provide adoptive families guidance and support as they consider all of their options.  If you want more information on domestic adoption, contact Anita or Renee at 607-756-6574 or 1-800-535-5556.  Family Connections, Inc. is a New York State authorized adoption agency that has acheived Hague Accreditation from the Council on Accreditation.  Family Connections provides adoption services throughout New York State including in Syracuse, Rochester, Cortland, Binghamton, Elimra, Corning, Watertown, Albany, New York City, and all towns in between.  We look forward to supporting your adoption plans.

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