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Written by Renee Hettich
on June 24, 2014

adopt special needs  All children are special!  Children with special medical and/or development needs are waiting around the world for caring forever adoptive families.  Can you be a family for a special child?


Family Connections, Inc. is an authorized New York State adoption agency that has acheived Hague Accreditation from the Council on Accreditation.  The Agency supports families wishing to adopt children domestically and internationally.  The Agency provides home study services and post-adoption support to families adopting children internationally.  The Agency provides home study, placement and post-placement support for families adopting domestically.  The Agency helps families throughout New York State including adoptive families in Cortland, Syracuse, Rochester, Binghamton, Elmira, Buffalo, Albany, and all towns in between.  Family Connections, Inc. has helped hundreds of families successfully adopt children including children with special needs.  We would be honored to support your family!


Who Are the Waiting Children with Special Needs?


  • Age:  newborn to age 21 years within the United States; infant to age 16 years in foreign adoption
  • Gender: both girls and boys need families; many more boys are waiting
  • Race:  children of all ethnic backgrounds need families; more children of minority races are waiting
  • Special Needs:  very child is unique and their needs are individual; needs can be minor to severe;  Many children waiting have needs such as:  Cleft Lip and Lalate, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Limb Deformities, Heart Conditions, Visual Impairments, Hearing Impairments, Developmental Delays, Mental Health Concerns, Clubbed Feet, GI abnormalities, Neurological Impairments, etc.  
  • Country: children from the United States and foriegn countries are waiting for their forever families.   


Are You Prepared to Parent a Child with Special Needs?


As you consider adopting a child with special needs ask yourself ...

  1. Are you able to open your home and heart to a child with special needs?
  2. Are you able to provide love, comfort, security, and stimulation for a child with special needs?
  3. Are you able to support the medical, educational, and therapuetic needs for a child with medical and/or developmental needs?  Do you have access to needed medical, educational and therapuetic experts?
  4. Are you comfortable with the potential for:  medical procedures and risks ... educational barriers ... social challenges ... emotional stress ... etc.
  5. Are you flexible, patient, and prepared to overcome obstacles? 
  6. Are you prepared to advocate for your child's needs?
  7. Are you ready to fall in love with a child?


Family Connections, Inc. would be honored to support your adoption plans.  To learn more about adopting a child with special needs - domestically or internationally - please contact Renee at 607-756-6574 or renee@adoptfamilyconnections.org or request a free consultation by clicking below.


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