When you explore the possibility of adoption you quickly realize that one of your first steps is to complete a home study. What is a home study report? There are many components to this report, and after the adoption Social Worker completes your home study investigation he/she will write a report that will require your review. What will this report look like? Here are the highlights and what to look for when you review your adoption home study report:
- Cover Page: Contains your identifying information and a statement of your adoption plans.
- Introduction: Statement of the purpose of the home study investigation.
- Social History Of Each Prospective Adoptive Parent: Exploration of your family, education, physical description, hobbies, lifestyle, life experience, and employment.
- Social History Of Adult Household Members: If you have any adult household members there will be a brief description of them.
- Marriage or Life Partner Relationship: A history of your marriage/relationships, strengths, areas of vulnerability, problem solving, and self-evaluation of marriage or life partnership. If you are a single applicant, a discussion of past relationships and future plans.
- Role Models For Child: If you are a single or a same-sex couple, a discussion of how you will provide positive role models for the child of the opposite sex.
- Parenting Beliefs & Experience With Children: An explanation of your parenting philosophy and child rearing techniques (including discipline). Your professional and personal experiences caring for and/or educating children should be included. If you are currently parenting, an evaluation of your parenting skills and a description of each child within the home will also be included.
- Motivation To Adopt: An exploration of your reasons for choosing adoption as a way to build and/or expand your family, including fertility issues or other appropriate motivations. It will include a discussion of why you are choosing a particular country from which to adopt (if international adoption).
- Adoption Plan: Detail the type of child(ren) you wish to adopt, including gender, age, health status, development capacity, ethnicity, and cultural heritage. For domestic adoption there will be a further discussion regarding openness in adoption.
- Family Leave And Child Care Plan: Explanation of your plan for family leave and care for the child if you or both of you plan to return to work after family leave.
- Guardianship: Description of the guardians you have chosen for the adopted child(ren).
- Home And Community: A description of your home and community, including information regarding the safety of the home.
- Finances: A financial statement regarding your income, assets, and liabilities. There should also be a statement regarding life, health, and dental insurances.
- Religion: Statement of your religious beliefs and practices.
- Health: Discussion and summary of medical reports for you, any children in your home, and all adult household members. It will also include a statement regarding any current or previous use of drugs, tobacco, or alcohol or any current or history of psychiatric treatment.
- Child Abuse & Maltreatment History Reports: There will be a statement as to child abuse reports received for each of you and any adult household members.
- Criminal History Reports: There will be a discussion of your (and any adult household members) history of state, national, or international criminal records or the absence of such records. If you have a criminal record or conviction, a discussion of the reasons why you are approved for adoption or not approved as an adoptive parent.
- Home Study History: A statement regarding your (or any adult household members) history of previous home study investigations.
- History Of Abuse Or Violence: A discussion of the your (and any adult household members) history of being a victim or offender of abuse or violence.
- Understanding Of Foreign Adoption Or Domestic Adoption: The report will explore your understanding of the risks and unknowns in foreign adoption or domestic adoption.
- Adoption Training: Details of any training you have completed.
- Post Adoption Supervision And Support: The details of any post-adoptive placement supervision required for domestic or foreign adoption will be included.
- References: A short summary of your references; a minimum of 3 references are required.
- Conclusion & Recommendation: Social worker summation and recommendation or denial as adoptive parents.
- Verifications: Home study provider’s statement regarding legality of home study investigation.
- Signatures: Social worker and supervisor signatures and notary.
Be sure to review your home study carefully to ensure that it accurately represents you. This is the first step on your family’s journey to adoption and it should be an educational and enlightening experience. If you would like more information about the home study process or your adoption options, contact Family Connections at 607-756-6574 or 1-800-535-5556.
Family Connections, an authorized New York State adoption agency, provides home study services for families throughout New York State who are planning to adopt a child from the United States or abroad. We would be happy to support your family's home study needs. Please contact Renee or Anita at 1-800-535-5556 or renee@adoptfamilyconnections.org.
To Learn More about home study investigations, click below to download a free Guide to Adoption Home Studies published by Family Connections, Inc.
A Home Study Investigation Report issued by an authorized adoption agency, is a legal document that is used by the Courts (U.S. and foreign), Citizenship and Immigration Services, and the country from which the family is adopting as documentation that the individual or couple has been investigated and approved as adoptive parent(s) and are qualified to adopt a child(ren). In New York State, you have the right to review the home study investigation report (if conducted by an authorized agency) prior to its approval and add an addendum to the report if warranted. Home study investigation reports issued by a Licensed Social Worker or individual/organization approved by the court may recommend a family to a court for qualification as an adoptive family but may not approve the family for adoption
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