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Written by Family Connections
on July 13, 2023

pregnant-g8a2d48f0a_640 Women experiencing an unexpected pregnancy are faced with emotional choices - Do I parent the child?; Do I place the child into an adoptive family?; or Do I terminate the pregnancy?  Each choice is a difficult one.  Deciding to give your child life is the first step toward making a loving plan (parenting or adoption) for your child.


If you find yourself facing an unplanned pregnancy and you consider your choices, it may help you to ask yourself some of these questions:


Do I Parent My Child?

  1. Am I mature enough and secure enough to parent a child?
  2. Is the child's birth father involved or supportive of my parenting?
  3. Do I have the money needed to raise a child?
  4. Do I have adequate food, clothing, and housing for a child?
  5. Do I have child care and can I afford child care for the child while a work?
  6. Do I qualify for public assistance money to support my child's food, housing, medical, and child care expenses?
  7. Is my family available to help me care for a child?
  8. Am I physically and mentally healthy and able to parent a child?
  9. Am I safe and can I be sure my child would be safe?
  10. Have I reached my personal goals (e.g. college) before parenting a child?


These are tough questions but they are necessary as you consider your options and make decisions regarding the parenting of your child.  Family Connections, Inc. is available to help you explore your options and consider your choices regarding parenting or adoption.  Dan or Angela are available at 607-756-6574 or dan@adoptfamilyconnections.org  angela@adoptfamilyconnections.org

Or you can request a free and confidential meeting with Dan and Angela by clicking below:


Click me


Or Do I Place My Child Into An Adoptive Family?


After answering these questions, if you wish to consider adoption as an option for you and your child, you have many adoption options (all the choices are yours!):

  1. Open Adoption where you choose the adoptive family, build a relationship with the adoptive family, and have post-adoption contact via pictures/letters and face-to-face visits, if you choose, with the child and adoptive family.
  2. Semi-Open Adoption where you choose the adoptive family, meet the adoptive family, and receive pictures and letters about the child throughout their childhood if wanted.
  3. Confidential (Closed) Adoption where you may choose the adoptive family but your identity is not revealed to the adoptive family and you have no relationship with the child or adoptive family.


All the adoption choices are yours to make!  You decide what is best for you and your child!  To learn more about your adoption options click below for an Adoption Guide for Expectant Mothers.


Download A Free Adoption Guide  for Birth Mothers


Family Connections, Inc. is an authorized New York State adoption agency that is able to support you as you consider your parenting or adoption options.  The agency can provide you with:

  • information regarding your options (parenting and adoption)
  • referrals to needed resources for parenting or for adoption (e.g. medical services, housing, clothing, etc)
  • counseling services
  • choices of families waiting to adopt
  • support as you design an adoption plan that is right for you
  • referral to an attorney to represent your best interests, at no cost to you
  • adoption placement services
  • post-adoption counseling and support

Dan and Angela at Family Connections are available to help!  Please contact them at 1-607-756-6574 or at dan@adoptfamilyconnections.org.  We look forward to supporting you as you make a plan for yourself and your child.

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