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Adopting a Relative Child Internationally
Written by Family Connections
on July 05, 2023

adoption  There are thousands of children (young children to teenagers) around the world who are orphaned and need loving and nurturing families.  You can change the world by changing the life of a child you can provide a child with a forever family.


There are children that need you; they are waiting in orphanages and foster care around the globe.  Family Connections, Inc. supports families who chose to adopt from countries all over the world, as both a Primary Provider, home study provider and post adoption/placement supervision provider.  You have many adoption options within international adoption.  Both boys and girls ranging in age from young children to sixteen years of age are in need of families.  Children who are healthy, children who have minor correctable conditions, and children who have special medical and/or developmental needs are waiting for adoptive homes.


As you and your family consider adopting an international child or children ask yourself some of these questions:

  1. Are you able to open your home and heart to a foreign-born child who is from a different culture and ethnic group?
  2. Are you able to provide love, comfort, security, and stimulation for a child?
  3. Are you able to support the medical and developmental needs for a child with less than a perfect start in life?
  4. Are you prepared to help a child transition into a new family emotionally and behaviorally?
  5. Are you comfortable with the likelihood that your child with have medical and family unknowns?
  6. Are you flexible, patient, and prepared to overcome adoption glitches?
  7. Are you willing to expand your family's cultural identity?
  8. Are you prepared to provide a child with a forever family?


If you answered yes, please consider sharing your love with a child waiting for a family.  Family Connections, Inc., a non-profit New York State authorized adoption agency, supports families who chose to adopt children from around the globe.  Our agency would the happy to assist your family in exploring international adoption.  Please contact us at 607-756-6574 or info@adoptfamilyconnections.org.


Consultation With An Adoption Professional







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