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Written by Nancy S
on July 07, 2023

You have taken the first step on the road to adoption.  You have chosen an agency and have started the paperwork and now you have scheduled your home study visit with the social worker.  The thought of this visit can bring some prospective adoptive parents anxiety but understanding what is expected of you and what will happen during the visit will help you prepare for this important step in your adoption journey.


The purpose of the home study visit:adoption


  • To be sure the prospective adoptive family and their home comply with the State and local laws regarding the safety, care and placement of children.
  • Help families explore their adoption options and provide them with the information they need to make the best decisions regarding adoption and their family.
  • Meet the family in their environment and learn more about the family as a unit so that they can help ensure a good match between children and families.

What the social worker may ask about during the home study visit:

  • Your childhood, significant life experiences, marriage, immediate family and close relationships
  • Why you want to adopt, infertility, and health history
  • What plans you have after the child comes home
  • Your parenting skills and/or experience with children
  • Education and work history
  • What kind of child you want to adopt, age, race, gender, special needs
  • How your extended family and friends feel about your adoption plans
  • How you and your spouse deal with conflicts and make decisions
  • What your community is like, are there parks, schools and medical care nearby
  • Your religion, hobbies and interests


There are many areas the social worker will explore with you during the home study visit. Being honest, candid and forthcoming will only help to ensure that your adoption proceeds to the benefit of you and the child.  Anxiety over the social worker coming to your home is understandable but keeping the home study visit in perspective will help you through the home study process.  Remember by the time you have the home study visit the social worker already knows a lot about you from the paperwork you have completed.  The visit just collects the information to document your home study.  Family Connections, Inc. performs both domestic and international home studies throughout New York State and provides free consultations to help educate families about the adoption options available to them. 

Call us at 607-756-6574 to schedule a consultation or email info@adoptfamilyconnections.org . You can also click on the button below to schedule a one on one, free, no obligation consultation.

Consultation With An Adoption Professional

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