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Written by Family Connections
on June 20, 2023

New York State allows and supports a birthparent(s) who chooses an open adoption for their unborn or newly born child.

Open Adoption is an adoption choice that is often chosen by a birthmother seeking to find an adoptive family for her unborn or newly born child.  An open adoption is where a birth mother chooses to have an ongoing relationship with her child and the adoptive family she has chosen to adopt the child. 

Open Adoption is an adoption choice in New York that has been validated by the New York State Courts.  The courts in New York State have allowed a Post Adoption Contract Agreement (PACA) to become a part of the adoption process.  All post adoption contact specified in this Agreement (e.g. sharing of pictures and letters or post-adoption visitation with the adoptive family) is enforceable by the courts in New York.  This PACA is only available to birth parents when an agency has matched the birth family and the adoptive family and is part of the adoption.

Open Adoption is an adoption choice that allows the birth family to always know where the child is and how they are doing by receiving photos, letters, and/or by having scheduled visits with the adoptive family where the child can come to know his/her birth parent(s) as he/she grows up. It works best when the birth parents and the adoptive parents both reside in New York State.

Open Adoption is an adoption choice that provides much joy for all members of the adoption triad - the birth parent(s), the adoptive parents and most importantly the child.  As an adoption professional with Family Connections, I would encourage birth parents to work with an adoption agency that supports open adoption options and consider having some form of an openness with the adoptive family.


Get a free adoption guide for birth families here.

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