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Adopting a Relative Child Internationally
Written by Nancy S
on January 08, 2016



Across the world there are children waiting for a family, for someone to love and care for them.  They are longing for a family to call their own and find the love and security they desperately need.  So who are these children in orphanages? They are:

  • Children ranging in age from infants to teens
  • Single children and Sibling groups
  • Children Abandoned or Orphaned by their birth parents
  • Children Removed from their birth parents due to abuse/neglect
  • Healthy Typical Children with the potential for normal growth and development
  • Children with minor correctable medical needs (e.g. cleft palate, club foot)
  • Children with on-going medical challenges (e.g. heart condition, GI difficulties)
  • Children with developmental delays
  • Children with minor special needs (e.g.  limb deformity, cerebral palsy, hearing impairment, visual impairments)
  • Children with special needs requiring life-long care (e.g. Down Syndrome, blind)
  • Of diverse ethnic heritage (e.g. Eastern European, African, Asian, Hispanic)
  • Living in orphanages or foster homes


If you are considering adopting a child internationally what should you consider?

  • Can you open your home and heart to a foreign-born child of a different culture and ethnic group?
  • Can you give love, comfort, security, and stimulation for a child?
  • Can you learn how to support the social/emotional needs of a child adopted after infancy?
  • Can you learn how to support the medical and developmental needs for a child with less than a perfect start in life or for a child with special medical and/or developmental needs?
  • Would you be comfortable that you may not have the medical or social history of your child?
  • Can you be flexible and patient with the unpredictability in the international adoption process?
  • Can you take the time needed to travel to your child’s country of origin for the adoption?
  • Can you expand your family’s cultural identity and incorporate your child’s native heritage into your family life?
  • Can you love a child that doesn’t not resemble you and help that child to develop a positive race identity?


Opening your heart and home to an orphaned child will change the life of a child forever.  These children are in desperate need of love, medical care, nutritious food, and security.  If you want to learn more about international adoption and how you can make a difference in the life of a child, the social workers at Family Connections would be glad to help you explore your options.  You can contact Anita or Renee at 607-756-6574 or info@adoptfamilyconnections.org to learn more about the options available to you through international adoption.


Family Connections, Inc. is a New York State authorized agency that has achieved Hague Accreditation from the Council on Accreditation.  The agency provides home study services for families in New York State who are planning to adopt domestically or internationally.  The agency supports families throughout New York State including in Syracuse, Cortland, Binghamton, Elmira, Rochester, Watertown, Long Island, New York City and all town in between.  To learn more about the agency's services please contact Renee or Anita at 607-756-6574 or info@adoptfamilyconnections.org.


For more information on international adoption:

Click Here to Download Your Free  Guide to International Adoption!



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