So where do you start in international adoption?
Your first step is to consider the needs of the child you may adopt..
Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself - are you the “right family” for the child.
For example, if you adopt an African child will the child feel welcomed and will his/her racial identity be supported? Or if you adopted a child with special needs, can the child’s medical, developmental, and social/emotional needs be properly meet within your family and community?
You need to educate yourself and be honest with yourself so you can decide what type of child (e.g. age, ethnic heritage, special needs, siblings, etc) would be the “best fit” for the child and for your family.
Adoption professionals at Family Connections, Inc. are available to help you explore your family’s adoption plan . The Agency offers a free one-on-one consultation meeting for prospective adoptive parents to help you determine if international adoption is right for your family.
Once you have envisioned your family and determined what is best for the child and for your family, you can then explore the numerous inter-country adoption programs that are available. You can download (for free) Family Connections' Overview of Inter-County Adoption that summaries inter-country adoption programs.
As you consider inter-county adoption program you will need to determine if …
- The inter-country adoption program meets your desires in regards to the child you wish to adopt - age, gender, ethnic heritage, race, single child or sibling group, typical child or child with special needs, etc.
- You meet the eligibility requirements for adoptive parents in the country for which you wish to adopt
- Your family can fulfill the travel requirements for the adoption program
- You are able to meet the financial obligations of the adoption program
- Can you accept the wait time for the adoption program
The international adoption process includes:
The inter-country (international) adoption process can be a little daunting at first, but with the guidance and support of adoption professionals at Family Connections, Inc. and your International Adoption Placement Agency (aka Primary Provider), the adoption process will result in a forever family for an orphaned child. The rewards for you and the child are endless.
Home Study Investigation - this must be conducted by a licensed/authorized and Hague Accredited adoption agency in the state where you reside. Family Connections, Inc. is an authorized New York State agency that is Hague Accredited by the Council on Accreditation. If your international adoption placement agency is in the State where you live, you may use this agency to conduct the home study. However, many families use an international adoption placement agency that is in another State and thus need to find another adoption agency within their State to complete the study. Family Connections, Inc. has been conducting home studies for inter-country adoption for over twenty years and has expertise in the adoption process and successfully transitioning international children into their adoptive families.
Selection of a Primary Provider / International Adoption Placement Agency - to adopt a foreign-born orphan you will need to work with an International Adoption Placement Agency (aka Primary Provider) that has the authority to work in the country from which you wish to adopt and that has achieved Hague Accreditation from the Council on Accreditation. Family Connections, Inc. as your home study provider will work in collaboration with your International Adoption Placement Agency.
Citizenship & Immigration Services Pre-approval - all prospective adoptive parents must apply to Citizenship & Immigration Services (via forms I-600A or I-800A) to be pre-qualified to adopt a foreign born orphan. You must be approved to adopt a foreign orphan by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service prior to applying to adopt from the foreign country. Family Connections, Inc. can help your family with your application.
Submission of Dossier to Foreign Country - every prospective adoptive family must submit a dossier - collection of documents that constitutes your application for adoption - to the foreign country. Your dossier may include documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificate, medical reports, criminal clearances, home study report, pictures, etc. Family Connections, Inc. has assisted hundreds of families put together their foreign dossier.
The Wait - then the hardest part - the wait for a referral of a child(ren). The wait varies with the country, the age of child, the number of children, and the health and developmental status of the child. Currently the longest wait is for a healthy young child and the shortest wait is for an older child or a child with special needs.
The Referral - your International Adoption Placement Agency (aka Primary Provider) will present a child(ren) to your family for consideration. You may receive a picture(s) of the child, a medical report, and a developmental assessment of the child. It is strongly recommended that you have a pediatrician with expertise in international adoption medicine to review the child's referral before you make a decision regarding the child's adoption. Family Connections, Inc. can refer you to qualified medical experts and support you through your decision-making process. Your International Adoption Placement Agency must give you two weeks in which to make your decision regarding the referred child.
The Decision - after your careful consideration of the child, you will decide whether or not to adopt the child. If you decide to commit to the child, you will proceed to adoption. If you decide that you are not the right family for this child, your international adoption placement agency, will present you with another child in need of a family when another child is available. All agencies involved in your inter-country adoption want you to be comfortable with the child you choose to adopt and prepared to parent the child.
The Adoption - you will travel to your child's country of origin to complete his/her adoption. Your International Adoption Placement Agency will facilitate your trip and adoption.
Immigration of the Child to the United States - After you adopt your child in the foreign country you will immigrate the child into the United States through the approval of a Citizenship and Immigration Services (via form I-600 or I-800) and the issuance of a Visa by the U.S. Embassy located in the child’s country of origin.
The Transition Home and Required Supervision - you and your new child(ren) will settle into a new life. Most countries require that your adoption be supervised by an authorized/licensed and Hague Accredited adoption agency for a period after your arrival home to ensure that the child is safe and your family is adjusting well. The specific requirements for supervision are dictated by your child’s country of origin and your International Adoption Placement Agency. The staff at Family Connections, Inc. really enjoys visiting families and helping them successfully transition into a healthy family unit. We welcome your questions.
Life Long Support for the Child & Family - as your family grows and your child develops you may have questions or need support. Family Connections, Inc. supports families throughout the life of the child. The agency has an annual picnic where adoptive families can connect and support each other and where kids from around the globe have fun and share their adoption experience.
Family Connections, Inc. would be honored to support your international adoption. Please contact Dan or Anita at 1-800-535-5556 or Thank you!
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