Adoptive Family Profile


Robert & Jennifer

R+ J



Hello, we are Robert and Jennifer! We love being parents to our five-year-old son, little Robert, who we adopted when he was 3 days old. We are excited to continue to grow our family through adoption. Thank you for taking time to get to know us!


R + J Carousel




Parenting Philosophy

Our belief: children are a blessing! We show unconditional love and try to model good character to our children. We will provide a home that is safe for children to love & learn & grow. In all of our interactions with our children, whether having fun, giving guidance or correcting, our goal is always to grow our children’s character and abilities in an encouraging and loving way.








Our Family

We love our family! We are blessed with loving parents and siblings, and almost all of them live close by, making it easy to get together regularly, to share meals, joy and laughter. Our family comes from many backgrounds:  African-American, Caribbean, Korean, and Caucasian. Our son Robert loves spending time with his grandparents, uncles, aunts & cousins. They are very supportive of us and look forward to adding more children to the family!


R + J Reindeer


Our Home:   

Our home is a haven, and we make it a place of blessing to all who come through its doors. We live in a safe, multi-cultural neighborhood and have good relationships with our neighbors. A playground & park are a few blocks away. We have a big fenced-in backyard with a jungle gym and space to run around. We live near most of our friends & family.









Our Professions:

As a registered nurse, Robert enjoys being a supportive, caring presence for patients going through difficult times. It is a good day when he can bring a smile to a patient’s face. Jenn stays home full time with li

ttle Robert, making our home a warm and lovely place, and having fun learning and playing adventures with Robert. 


R + J Tree

R and J Camping















Our Activities: 

Our life is both relaxed & active

. We have enjoyed adventures together like camping, mountain hiking and traveling but we are just as happy spending a quiet evening at home or a day spent working in the garden. Our son Robert has b

rought new joy into our lives as we share his excitement experiencing new things—seeing animals at the zoo, playing at the beach, or learning to ride his bike. We love gathering with our church family on Sundays and sharing meals with friends and family whenever we can. 


R + J Mountain



Thank you so much for taking the time to get to know a little bit. Many blessings!