Request General Information Regarding Family Connections

Family Connections, Inc. will fully disclose to prospective clients and the general public upon request the following non-identifying information:  
  1. The Agency’s Policies and Procedures Manual (available electronically)
  2. General adoption eligibility criteria as detailed in the Agency’s Policies and Procedures Manual and the Agency’s publication The Adoption Home Study: A Guide to Home Study Investigations for Prospective Adoptive Parents in New York State
  3. The Agency’s Fees for Adoption Services Agreement
  4. The Agency’s Fees and Estimated Expenses for Services in Convention Adoption Agreement (as appropriate for international adoption)
  5. The supervised providers with whom prospective client(s) can expect to work in the United States and in the child’s country of origin and the usual costs associated with their services (if any)
  6. A sample Adoption Services Contract

Prospective clients and the general public should submit their request for information to the Agency’s Executive Director at 607-756-6574 or who will respond to the requests within 30 business days.



Download The Adoption Home Study Guide 

Request Policies & Procedures Manual