State And Federal Government Offices




Intercountry Adoption Accreditation and Maintenance Entity, Inc. (IAAME)

IAAME is an Accrediting Entity (AE), under the authority by the Secretary, and as allowed by 22 CFR 96.7 ( ) An accrediting entity is an entity that has been designated by the Secretary to accredit agencies and approve persons for the purpose of providing intercountry adoption services in the United States.


New York State Office of Children & Family Services

Sets New York State regulations regarding adoption, governs adoption practice, responsible for the oversight of adoption agencies, and places public children for adoption.   The website provides a listing of authorized adoption agencies.  Family Connections, Inc. is authorized as an adoption agency by the New York State Office of Children & Family Services.


New York State Department of State (search for "apostille")

Provides information regarding the process for State authenication (aka Great Seal or Apostille) of adoption documents.


New York State Department of Health  www.

Provides access for you to obtain a certified birth certificate and marriage certificate (for person born and/or married in Upstate New York).


New York State Department of Health

Provides access for you to obtain a certified birth certificate for persons born in New York City.


New York City Clerk’s Office

Provides access for you to obtain a New York City marriage certificate.  


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Responsible for the national photolisting of public children available for adoption. 


U.S. Department of State

Responsible for international adoption.   


U.S. Department of State

Provides information and application materials to obtain a U.S. passport. 


U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS)

Responsible for the lawful immigration of foreign born orphans into the United States.  The website provides information regarding the international adoption process and all required adoption forms are available on the site.