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Written by Anita Stevens
on November 17, 2013

Syracuse Adoption 

         Recently a hospital Social Worker asked me why I thought a birth mother who lived in Syracuse was making an adoption plan with an agency in a state far away from Syracuse, New York.  She commented that when they have such an adoption in their hospital, the birth mother receives very little support as she walks through the process of placing her child in an adoptive home.  The birth mother receives the services of an attorney but does not have any other support as she experiences the emotions of her decision.  The birth mother also doesn't benefit from local support for counseling services or the coordination of needed local services (e.g. housing, WIC, clothing).  In addition, if the birth mother chooses an open adoption, the child and adoptive parents go to another state far away which makes the open relationship more difficult.  


Birth parents who choose to work with a local agency (or an agency within New York State), like Family Connections will benefit from:

  1. Face-to-face, one-on-one counseling services
  2. Support as the birth parent(s) makes an adoption plan that is best for her/them and the child
  3. Coordination of needed local services such as WIC, housing assistance, prenatal medical care, securing medial insurance, etc.
  4. Matching birth parent(s) with prospective adoptive parents who are qualified as parents by the Agency.  Click here to view qualified adoptive parents waiting and wanted to adopt.
  5. Assistance with building a relationship with the chosen adoptive family (if wanted)
  6. Guidance in making a hospital plan and support throughout the birth mother's time in the hospital
  7. Support as the birth parent(s) decide to place their child for adoption
  8. Life-long support for the birth parent(s), adoptive parents, and child.


In addition, a birth parent who places their child in New York, has protections regarding her/their adoption plan.  The promises made to a birth mother by the adoptive parents regarding such things as post adoption visitation, and/or post adoption photos and letters are enforceable by the New York Courts.  The adoptive parents sign a contract and legally commit to whatever post adoption contact they have promised a birth mother and birth father.  


Perhaps a birth parent want some distance between her/them and the child?  Family Connections, Inc. is authorized to practice in the whole state of New York.  So if birth parents wanted some distance, New York is a large state and our Agency has adoptive family throughout the state.  A birth parent in Syracuse could easily place her child in an adoptive home that was five to six hours away by car if she wanted.  That way she can still benefit from receiving the local support she may need.  New York State has many great families waiting to adopt. The adoptive families are more diverse than most states and generally more open to adopt a child with a variety of risks and special needs.  


Perhaps a birth parent is worried about her/their privacy and having the adoption paperwork processed through the local court in Syracuse?  Choosing an agency local to Syracuse like Family Connections that has their office in Cortland County next to Onondaga County  can provide her with peace of mind as the adoption paperwork can be processed in the County where the agency has their office or in the County of residence of the adoptive family.  In an agency adoption a birth mother does not have to go to Court.  The birth parent's attorney can go to court in her place and the attorney can receive the documents that are served on her by the court. 


If a birth mother really wants an adoptive family that resides in another state, Family Connections, Inc. can help a birth parent find a family and place in another state.  The adoption can be finalized in New York.  The birth parent can receive local pre-adoption and post adoption support even though she may choose to place her child with a family out of state. 


An agency like Family Connections is local to Syracuse and has over eighteen years of history supporting birth parents and adoptive parents. Take your time to choose an agency and consider an agency like Family Connections that is local to Syracuse so you can have ongoing local support and take advantage of the great laws that protect you, the birth parent in New York.


Family Connections, Inc. would be honored to support your adoption plans.  All inquires are confidential and all services are free.  Please contact Anita or Dan at 1-800-535-5556 or anita@adoptfamilyconnections.org


To learn more about your adoption options, please click below to download a Free Guide to Adoption.


Download A Free Adoption Guide  for Birth Mothers

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